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Month: December 2007 Wiki Mirror Wiki Mirror

I have created a mirror of the PGMFI Wiki here on Lately there has been a lot of issues accessing the wiki system on I use the wiki on PGMFI quite often, and find it frustrating to not be able to access the system from time to time. Because of this, I created a mirror of the contents of the wiki system here on If you are looking for a very thorough reference on Honda ECU programming, and the PGMFI wiki is down, then check out

None of the pages are editable, unlike the pages in the wiki system, but the point of the mirror is to provide another source of reference for the real thing. Besides, it would be a shame if all the collective knowledge of dissapeared, so this is an attempt to make sure that does not happen.

Newline Character in Emacs

Newline Character in Emacs

Just the other day, I found myself in a bit of a pickle. I develop a lot in jsp where I work, and on this particular day I was trying to debug a very large webform. In the webform, all the data was collected and then passed to a HashMap of field name-value pairs. The HashMap was being outputed by the excellent log4j tool into a debug file, and I needed to parse the data quickly to determine what key value pairs were causing issues.

Enter emacs.

I love to use emacs as my normal text editor, as it has many many features not found on lame notepad or wordpad included in Windows default installs. One of my favorites is replace via regexp, among others. As I mentioned before, I needed to parse the output the HashMap from log4j into readable lines so I could quickly skim them to see which fields had no data in them. I start emacs and copy and paste the data I need to inspect into emacs and call up the replace function. After about 10 minutes of hacking away, I could not figure out what emacs was expecting as a newline character. All the documentation I could find states that \n is the correct character. I tried every combination I could think of… \n \\n ‘\n’ “\n” \N \\N and on and on. I finally grew frustrated that this seemingly simple problem was so difficult. I did some searching, and low and behold, I run into another emacs user/blogger with the same problem.

I would like to thank the writer of this blog article for saving me a lot of time and doing the footwork to figure out that Cntrl-q Cntrl-j inputs the newline character into the replace field in emacs. I was about to go insane when I stumbled across it in the sea of google answers. I thought I would mention it in my blog as well, as to further purpetuate the knowledge of this “quirk”. My next mission is to find out why this key combination is the magic one.. any thoughts?