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Peusdotruth table for RTP logic compatible with both OBD0 and OBD1 hardware:

            (/PSEN)       (OBD1)  (DS1230AB)
 A15  /WR  /OE   /CS   |  /IOWE  /WE  /OE  /CE
  0    a    b     c    |    a     1    b    c
  1    a    X     X    |    1     a    1    0

Inputs on left:
 A15 = address line 15 (256k - 512k)
 /WR = Write line on MCU
 /OE = Output enable (coming from pin 22 of 27c256 / IC Socket)
 /CS = Chip select (coming from pin 20 of 27c256 / IC Socket)

Outputs on right:
 /IOWE = output to rest of WE peripherals on [[OBD1]]  / etc motherboard
 /WE = Write enable on DS1230 NVSRAM
 /OE = Output enable on DS1230 NVSRAM
 /CE = Chip enable on DS1230 NVSRAM

Upon further reflection, it appears that both OBD0 and OBD1 ECUs will already control /OE as the truth table states above, and as a result, /CE can simply be tied low. So the truth table reduces to:

A15  /WE  |  /IOWE  /WE  /CE
 0    a   |    a     1    0
 1    a   |    1     a    0

This can be reduced to four NAND gates (one chip):

 /IOWE = /WE | A15  = !(!/WE & !A15)  = !/WE NAND !A15
 /WE   = /WE |!A15  = !(!/WE & A15)   = !/WE NAND A15
 !/WE  = /WE NAND /WE
 !A15  = A15 NAND A15

Which is exactly what Doc did originally:

Doc's design also has a transistor and diode in place to allow insertion of the entire RTP board into a standard EPROM programmer.

Revision: r1.1 - 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 GMT - guest { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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