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Q: I want to get started with Crome and tune my car. What all do I need?

A: To datalog in Crome, you need to purchase a Crome Pro License. Make sure the PC you will tune with is the one you register.

Here is a list of all the hardware you will need:

Laptop: Over 400mghz and 128mb ram. Laptop speed WILL effect datalogging response time.

Wideband: If you want to log through the ECU, get something with a LINEAR wideband output voltage. This is IMPORTANT. Innovative, PLX, and Techedge all use this. Check this before purchasing!

Chip Burner: Whatever works. Moates=1 USB, which is nice because most laptops are basically running just USB ports as inputs. Willems work as well, crappy support for SST chips though. Also it requires a LPT port which most laptops are without now a days so BEWARE!

Emulator: (Optional, but required for Real Time Tuning) Two choices, Ostrich and Xtronics. Ostrich=newer technology, USB powered and run. Xtronics=Uses serial port, has been known to be buggy now and again. You can use serial to USB converter w/ the xtronics but its known to be very problematic

Datalogging cable: Basic options are to hack up a cell phone cable and rewire it, buy one already hacked up, or buy a serial cable and TTL to Serial adapter. There are tons of options. Moates.net has a couple of USB options.

Chipping Kit:

  • 28 pin machined DIP Socket
  • 28 pin ZIF Socket
  • 4 pin CN Datalogging Header
  • 0.1µf ceramic disc capacitors (qty 2)
  • 1k resistor
  • 74 HC373 chip








-Disable any hardware features not present on your ECU (knock, PA, injector test circuit, etc.)


-Disable any hardware features not present on your ECU (knock, PA, injector test circuit, etc.)






Q: I want to get started with Crome and tune my car. What all do I need?


A: To datalog in Crome, you need to purchase a Crome Pro License. Make sure the PC you will tune with is the one you register.



Here is a list of all the hardware you will need:


Q: I am changing my map headings and it doesn't change to what I want.


Laptop: Over 400mghz and 128mb ram. Laptop speed WILL effect datalogging response time.


A: You CANNOT edit the column headings for the first and last columns in a ROM. You CANNOT edit the row headings for the first and last rows in a ROM.


Wideband: If you want to log through the ECU, get something with a LINEAR wideband output voltage. This is IMPORTANT. Innovative, PLX, and Techedge all use this. Check this before purchasing!


Attempting to do so will produce unpredicatable results.


Chip Burner: Whatever works. Moates=1 USB, which is nice because most laptops are basically running just USB ports as inputs. Willems work as well, crappy support for SST chips though. Also it requires a LPT port which most laptops are without now a days so BEWARE!



Emulator: (Optional, but required for Real Time Tuning) Two choices, Ostrich and Xtronics. Ostrich=newer technology, USB powered and run. Xtronics=Uses serial port, has been known to be buggy now and again. You can use serial to USB converter w/ the xtronics but its known to be very problematic


Q: How do program or read an EEPROM using the Burn1 directly from Crome?


Datalogging cable: Basic options are to hack up a cell phone cable and rewire it, buy one already hacked up, or buy a serial cable and TTL to Serial adapter. There are tons of options. Moates.net has a couple of USB options.


A: Go to Settings and select Ostrich/BURN1 as your RTP hardware. Crome auto-detects whether Ostrich or BURN1 is connected so all you need to do when using BURN1 is to unplug Ostrich and plug in BURN1 in the same cable. Sometimes it takes a few seconds for the drivers to reload but once loaded, you can just click on 'Put' to burn the ROM into the BURN1 device. The only supported functions for the BURN1 unit is 'Put' and 'Get' which is to write and read respectively.


Chipping Kit:

  • 28 pin machined DIP Socket
  • 28 pin ZIF Socket
  • 4 pin CN Datalogging Header
  • 0.1µf ceramic disc capacitors (qty 2)
  • 1k resistor
  • 74 HC373 chip

Q: I am changing my map headings and it doesn't change to what I want.


A: You CANNOT edit the column headings for the first and last columns in a ROM. You CANNOT edit the row headings for the first and last rows in a ROM.

Attempting to do so will produce unpredicatable results.


Q: How do I specify which chip I am using in the Burn1?


A: You can specify 27SF512 chips by going to Settings and selecting Ostrich/BURN1 as your RTP hardware. A little checkbox will appear on the right.

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Revision r1.3 - 28 Jul 2005 - 02:42 GMT - Home.M2Prelude
Revision r1.4 - 04 Aug 2005 - 02:22 GMT - Home.m2prelude