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05 Mar 2004 Lego Z81? fixed tables, added documentation written by John Cui? for Chrome. E-mail me if you have any questions I saved a copy of this before I made and changes. Thank you.
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05 Mar 2004 Lego Z81? fixed tables, added documentation written by John Cui? for Crome. E-mail me if you have any questions I saved a copy of this before I made and changes. Thank you. |
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LegoZ81" date="1078534758" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
Crome has a powerful scripting language. There are many functions you can call to do things. It would be good to document them here.
3/5/04 see below for additional information - Lego
Java Functions
Variable | Use for | How to create | Note |
Array | when you need more then one value |
new array(x,y) | x and y are the values |
Var | When you need 1 variable |
var test | test is the new variable |
select() | Use when you want the user to select your options | usage: select (sPrompt, sVar); | Use a pipe for sVar |
input() | Use when you need input from a user | usage: input(sPromt,sVar,sArray) | sVar:"'no1','no2'; sSrray(1,2) the values for no1, no2; Return a string with commas |
string.spilt(',') | Split a string in a array | | String is split at ',' |
isNaN(string) | Java function to check if the string is numric | |
Alert('str'); | Shows a msg box with the msg: str | |
Crome Functions
Function | What does it do? | Explain Variables | Notes |
_rom_write(start, v, count) | Write an array of bytes to the rom file | start:Startadrress; v:array; count: | Needed most of the time to write something to the rom |
_rom_fill(fromAdr, toAdr, byteFill) | Write any area of the rom with the same bytes | fromAdr:Where to start; toAdr:Where to stop; byteFill:Which byte(if left empty 0x00 is assumed | Usefull when you need to put NOP a locations |
refresh() | Refersh the rom to seen new values | | |
rom.gup() | Group Unupdate | | When your script changes a lot of values use this so you can undo |
rom.byteAt(0xFF) | point to a location in the rom(1 byte) | (0xFF) is the location |
rom.wordAt(0xFFFF) | point to a location in the rom(1 word) | (0xFFFF) is the location |
rom.hasLaunchControl | Tells Crome the bin has FTL | Set to 1 for FTL |
rom.hasFullThrottleShift | Tells Crome the bin has FTS | Set to 1 for FTS |
rom.hasBoost | Tells Crome the bin has Boost | Set to 1 for 1bar\2 for 3bar |
rom.addressOf('') | Tells Crome Where something is | | Works for tables\scalers\rev limits\ |
rom.title | Tells Crome the title of the bin | needs to be string |
rom.type | Tells Crome the type of the bin | rp30/rp72/rp28/rpCustom |
addPlugin (strAuthor, strCaption, strExecCall, strInfoCall, intCategory); | Add a plugin in Crome | | read it in Crome |
addRomHandler (ecuType, strAuthor, strHandlerCall | Add a rom handler in Crome | | read it in Crome |
eval('0x' + Dec To Hex?(dec_value) | convert a decimal value to hex 0xab | | dev_value exmaple 125 |
New documentation follows -- Lego Z81? - 06 Mar 2004
These javascript objects and their members are accessible directly
through CROME scripts. If you plan to write an html based plugin,
these objects are accessible through the 'window.external' call.
Here are some example:
To access the window object in CROME scripts, you can use window.MEMBER
or simply call the MEMBER directly. eg. window.refresh() = refresh().
To access the window object in an html plugin you have to use:
window.external.window.refresh() or window.external.refresh().
The rom object is a member of the window object so to access a member
of the rom object you can use window.rom.MEMBER or rom.MEMBER in
CROME scripts and window.external.window.rom.MEMBER or
window.external.rom.MEMBER in html plugins.
Any other javascript objects, methods, properties are still accessible,
but I will not comment on them since there are websites/books that can
do a better job than me.
Any other confusions contact me @ john@radicalperformance.com and make
the subject 'crome script api'.
+(o)window (default object)
+-(f)addRomHandler(romtype: byte; author, jscmd: string)
+-(f)addPlugin(author, mnucaption, jscmd: string; category: byte)
+-(f)alert(msg: string)
+-(f)confirm(msg: string): boolean
+-(f)DecToHex(dec: longword): string
+-(f)exal(cipherstring: string)
+-(f)GetFilePath(filename: string): string
+-(f)GetFileName(filename: string): string
+-(f)HiByte(w: word): byte
+-(f)input(msg, options, values: string): string
+-(f)include(filename: string)
+-(f)LoByte(w: word): byte
+-(f)prompt(caption, msg, default: string): boolean
+-(f)select(prompt, selection: string): integer
+-(f)shell(filename, params: string; windowstate: byte)
+-(f)shelld(doscmd: string): string
+-(f)shellw(filename, params: string; windowstate: byte)
+-(f)showBrowser(url: string; width, height: integer)
+-(p)byteAt(addr: word): byte
+-(p)wordAt(addr: word): word
+-(p)working_table: byte
+-(p)tableByte(col, row: byte): byte
+-(p)tableValue(col, row: byte): single
+-(p*)tableWidth: byte
+-(p*)tableHeight: byte
+-(p)addressOf(SPECIALSTR: string): word
+-(p)addressIn(index: byte): word
+-(p)hasLaunchControl: byte
+-(p)hasFullThrottleShift: byte
+-(p)hasBoost: byte
+-(p)hasFinalMultiplier: byte
+-(p)hasShiftLight: byte
+-(p)hasIAB: byte
+-(p)mapScalar(tbl, col: byte): word
+-(p)revScalar(tbl, row: byte): word
+-(p)base: byte
+-(p)title: string
+-(p*)filename: string
+-(p)OBDMode: byte
+-(p)notes: string
+-(f)showSave(filter: string; filterindex: integer): string
+-(f)exists(filename: string): boolean
+-(f)getFile(filename: string): string
+-(f)putFile(filename, data: string)
+-(f)browseFolder: string
+-(f)showOpen(filter: string; filterindex: integer): string
note: (f) = function
(p) = property (read/write)
(p*) = property (read only)
(o) = object
addRomHandler(romtype: byte; author, jscmd: string)
desc : used to add a rom handler for a non-stock rom such as
roms with boost options, launch control, full throttle shift,
ecutype : integer value specifying for which rom type this handler
will be called for
author : name/handle of script writer
jscmd : javascript command used to handle the a rom
eg. addRomHandler(rtP30, 'John Cui', '_handle_p30_rom()');
addPlugin(author, mnucaption, jscmd: string; category: byte)
desc : used to add a plugin to the plugins list on the CROME
main window
author : name/handle of script writer
mnucaption: visible caption that apears on plugins menu
jscmd : javascript command called when plugin is executed
eg. addPlugin('John Cui', 'Test Plugin', '_run_test_plugin()', 0);
alert(msg: string)
desc : displays an alert message with 'OK' button as an option
msg : message displayed on alert message box
confirm(msg: string): boolean
desc : displays a confirmation message with 'Yes' and 'No' buttons
as options
msg : message displayed on confirm box
return : 0 -> false
1 -> true
Dec To Hex?(dec: longword): string
dec : decimal value to convert to hex
return : hex value as a string
exal(cipherstring: string)
desc : used to evaluate an encoded javascript code
encoding javascripts can be used to prevent copying of scripts
cipherstring: an encoded string of javascript code
Get File Path?(filename: string): string
desc : utility function used to get the path portion of a filename
filename : full filename of a file including path
return : path portion of filename
Get File Name?(filename: string): string
desc : utility function used to get the file name portion of a filename
filename : full filename of a file including path
return : file name portion of a filename
Hi Byte?(w: word): byte
desc : utility function to retreive the high byte of a word value
w : a word value
return : high byte of w
input(msg, options, values: string): string
desc : displays a user prompt for an input
msg : instructions for user
options :
include(filename: string)
desc : include a file containing scripts to current script
filename : filename of an existing script file
Lo Byte?(w: word): byte
desc : utility function to retreive the low byte of a word value
w : a word value
return : low byte of w
prompt(caption, msg, default: string): boolean
desc : propmts a user for a response
caption : caption for prompt
msg : message for user
default : default input
return : user response
empty string if cancelled
select(prompt, selection: string): integer
desc : prompt a user to pick from a list of items
prompt : message for user
selection : a list of selections for the user
return : the index of selected item
-1 if cancelled
shell(filename, params: string; windowstate: byte)
desc : call an external application
filename : filename of external app
params : parameters passed to the external app
windowstate : window state for external app
eg. shell('notepad.exe', 'C:\autoexec.bat', 0);
shelld(doscmd: string): string
desc : call an external DOS app and retreive its message
doscmd : DOS command to call
return : returned string from DOS prompt
eg. m = shelld('dasm662.exe "my_file.bin"');
if (m) alert(m);
shellw(filename, params: string; windowstate: byte)
desc : same as shell() function but waits for external app
to close before continuing execution
showBrowser(url: string; width, height: integer)
desc : show CROME's built-in web browser to display html-based
scripts/plugins or web pages
url : address of an existing file or web page
width : window width for the browser
height : window height for the browser
eg. showBrowser('my_html_plugin.html', 400, 250)
desc : refreshes the current display to show any updates
use this at the end of a script to make sure the current
changes are displayed
byteAt(addr: word): byte
desc : used to access any part of the rom and set/get a byte value
addr : ROM file address
eg. a = rom.byteAt(0x7FFF); // retreives the byte value at address 0x7FFF
rom.byteAt(0x7FFF) = 0xFF; // sets the byte value at address 0x7FFF to 0xFF
wordAt(addr: word): word
desc : same as byteAt() but for word values
this function takes into account for endianess, an item in
the rom stored as [0xAB][0xCD] will be returned as 0xCDAB
working_table: byte
desc : set/get current working table for CROME
wt : working table value
0 = low fuel
1 = high fuel
2 = low ignition
3 = high ignition
tableByte(col, row: byte): byte
desc : set/get byte value of the the col:row of the current working table
does not change fuel multiplier values
col,row : column and row of the table
eg. working_table = 2;
b = rom.tableByte(0, 5);
tableValue(col, row: byte): single
desc : set/get actual value of the col:row of the current working table
this will also set the fuel multiplier for fuel tables if necessary
tableWidth: byte
desc : gets the table width of the current working table
tableHeight: byte
desc : gets the table height of the current working table
addressOf(SPECIALSTR: string): word
desc : set/get word sized values in special registers in CROME
SPECIALSTR : special names used to access the differents registers
see list for special names and usage
eg. rom.addressOf('CHECKSUM') = 0x7FFF
addressIn(index: byte): word
desc : set/get word sized values in special registers in CROME
these registers are accessible by index numbers
index : 0-63 corresponding to the index of the 64 special registers
eg. rom.addressIn(40) = 0x1234
hasLaunchControl: byte
desc : set/get launch control support
0 = off
1 = on
hasFullThrottleShift: byte
desc : set/get full throttle shift support
0 = off
1 = on
hasBoost: byte
desc : set/get boost support
0 = no boost
1 = stock map boost
2 = 3 bar boost
3 = custom
hasFinalMultiplier: byte
desc : set/get final multiplier support
0 = off
1 = on
hasShiftLight: byte
desc : set/get shift light support
0 = off
1 = on
hasIAB: byte
desc : set/get IAB support
0 = off
1 = on
mapScalar(tbl, col: byte): word
desc : set/get map scalar values in millibars
tbl : 0 = low tables
1 = high tables
col : column number of scalar
revScalar(tbl, row: byte): word
desc : set/get rev scalar values in rpms
tbl : 0 = low tables
1 = high tables
row : row number of scalar
base: byte
desc : set/get base rom of to be loaded
= this determines which default address locations to use for
= a particular rom
title: string
desc : set/get the value of the statusbar on the lower left of
the main window
filename: string
desc : (read only) gets the full filename of the current ROM
desc : Group Undo Point
used in the begining and the end of a complex ROM manipulation
in order to combine multiple changes as one undo/redo action
eg. rom.gup();
for (i = 0; i <= 0x7FFF; i++) {
rom.byteAt(i) = Lo Byte?(i);
OBDMode: byte
desc : set/get OBD mode to determine which formulas to use
0 = OBD0
1 = OBD1
2 = OBD2
3 = Unknown
notes: string
desc : set/get notes for current ROM
showSave(filter: string; filterindex: integer): string
desc : display a save dialog
filter : list of file type filters
filterindex : index of default filter
return : selected filename
empty string if cancelled
eg. fn = showSave('HTML Files|*.htm;*.html|Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*', 0)
exists(filename: string): boolean
desc : utility function to determine if a file exists
filename : filename of file to check
return : 0 = file does not exist
1 = file exists
getFile(filename: string): string
desc : gets the contents of a file (text files only)
filename : full filename
return : content of the file
putFile(filename, data: string)
desc : writes to a file
filename : full filename
data : content to write to the file
browseFolder: string
desc : displays the browser for folder dialog
returns path of selected folder
returns empty string if cancelled
showOpen(filter: string; filterindex: integer): string
desc : display an open dialog
filter : list of file type filters
filterindex : index of default filter
return : selected filename
empty string if cancelled
These are the special names and corresponding special register indexes
that can be used with the rom.addressOf() or rom.addressIn() calls
CHECKSUM 0 address where to apply checksum correction
LOW_MAP_SCALAR 1 address of low map scalar
HIGH_MAP_SCALAR 2 address of high map scalar
LOW_REV_SCALAR 3 address of low rev scalar
HIGH_REV_SCALAR 4 address of high rev scalar
LOW_FUEL 5 address of low fuel table
HIGH_FUEL 6 address of high fuel table
LOW_IGNITION 7 address of low ignition table
HIGH_IGNITION 8 address of high ignition table
NFO_LOW_TABLE 9 low table size hibyte = height lobyte = width
NFO_HIGH_TABLE 10 high table size hibyte = height lobyte = width
REVCUT1 11 address of 1st revcut value
REVRES1 12 address of 1st revres value
REVCUT2 13 address of 2nd revcut value
REVRES2 14 address of 2nd revres value
VTEC_TABLE 15 address of vtec tables
NFO_VTEC_TABLE 16 vtec table info hibyte = vtec pair count (2 or 4)
VTEC 17 address of VTEC config byte
IDLE 25 address of idle value
KNOCK 26 address of knock config byte
ELD 27 address of eld config byte
BARO 29 address of baro config byte
VTECVSS 30 address of vtec vss check config byte
VTECCOOL 31 address of vtec coolant check config byte
DEBUGMODE 32 address of debug mode config byte
OXYHEAT 33 address of o2 heater check config byte
LAUNCH_CUT 40 address of lauch cut value
LAUNCH_RES 41 address of lauch res value
SHIFT_CUT 42 address of shift cut value
SHIFT_RES 43 address of shift res value
SPEED_LIMIT 44 address of speed limitter value
MTX1 50 address of final fuel multiplier value
MTX2 51
MTX3 52 address of cranking fuel multiplier value
MTX4 53
MTX5 54 address of tip-in fuel multiplier value
MTX6 55
SL_BYTE 56 address of shift light config byte
SL_RPM 57 address of shift light rpm value
Notes: in order to use the built-in editors in the options page of CROME you must
set the hasLaunchControl, hasFullThrottleShift, hasFinalMultiplier,
hasShiftLight, and hasIAB properties of the rom object to true (1).
Revision infromation
05 Mar 2004 Lego Z81? fixed tables, added documentation written by John Cui? for Chrome. E-mail me if you have any questions I saved a copy of this before I made and changes. Thank you. |
Copyright © 2002-present by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors, and is covered by the Non-Commercial Share-Alike License unless explicitly stated otherwise. |