Library> 91PM6_ECU_LED_CEL Destinations: Home | Library | Change Log | Index
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Dave: I went looking though code trying to find the CEL routine you spoke of. is it at 026E?

J. Wong: yup! or thereabouts...

Dave: I couldn't figure the code out worth a damn tho :) that's the routine that makes it blink... I was loking for a delay loop of some variety or a way to deternine how many times to blink and I got lost there

J. Wong: haha... very simple really ... well, i don't know all there is to know about it but, this routine is part of the timer 0 interrupt handler which runs at 100 Hz ... so it's just a matter of waiting the right number of interrupts to turn on/off the led... a little tricky but not overly so

Revision: r1.1 - 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 GMT - guest { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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