Author: evo (
Date: 03-04-03 22:15
After much thought, ive decided to share my Air-Conditioner Cutoff routine.
This routine cuts out the a/c under a specified rpm OR TPS level.
JBR off 11.2, 4320 ; Jump if A/C switch is Off
J XXXX ; Hook Code located at XXXX
LC A, 6D8D ; Load Target rpm
CMP AC, A ; Compare Actual rpm to Target rpm
JLT 6D8A ; Jump if Actual rpm < Target
LCB A, 6D8F ; Load Target TPS
CMPB 6F, A ; Compare Actual TPS to Target TPS
JGT 6D8A ; Jump if Actual TPS > Target
SB off 26.4
J 430C
J 432B ; Jump to Cut A/C
The Code is located around the 4300 offset in the P30 203