The following are some problems that I see people running into fairly often when using Turbo Edit. If I've forgotten any, please add both the problem and the solution to this page in as much detail as possible.
Trouble Codes: If you are throwing ANY trouble codes at all, fix them before you try to do anything else. Your car will not run properly if the ecu feels that something is amiss.
Incorrect fuel multiplier settings: This often times will happen when you try to build a tune with ngXX that will be using larger injectors. If you pasted the maps you just made into the bin, only to find TE displaying them completely wrong, this is why:
The injector pulsewidth in ngXX is calculated as follows:
- a = 2 ^ Column Multiplier
- pulsewidth in ms = (Dec At Addy + (224/a))/(208/a)
Because we're dealing with an 8-bit ecu, "Dec At Addy" can never be greater than 255. This limits the maximum pulsewidth in a given column based on the fuel multiplier. For example, if your multiplier is set to "3" you will be unable to have a pulsewidth longer than 10.88.
The soultion? Set your fuel multipliers to "Auto Detect". This option can be found in "Tools" -> "Options"
MAP column heading differences: Usually this will be a problem when you're making a basemap in ng48. You copy maps from some stock codebase, paste them into TE, rescale the injectors and...hey, why does the car run like crap?
When you pasted the maps in, all the fuel values stayed in the same place. Unfortunately, the "same place" is looked at under different circumstance in ng48 compared to stock.
Stock headings | 26 | 24 | 22 | 21 | 19 | 18 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 11 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 1 | 1.3 psi |
ng48 headings | 31 | 29 | 26 | 24 | 22 | 20 | 18 | 16 | 14 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 0 psi |
You can see that the values that used to idle your car are now used under heavy engine braking (maybe), and so on. It's all tweaked, and the car will not run as expected.
To rememdy this, use a spreadsheet to convert your maps. Xenocron has a nice one on his website at, and Rory has an ugly one buried somewhere on the forum. Or you could make your own.
Setting A/C:
For vtec in turboedit, The A/C option doesn't do the trick completely. You have to manually set 2 bytes in
0x2882 = 0x21
0x2888 = 0xA3
-- Jared Karagen? - 27 Jan 2007