Dave says: Well, borrowing an idea from Nico-HRED/Doc used in the 66Ks, here is a program that should read out the contents of a 83C154 MCU.
It assumes that you have the MCU connected to an external EPROM.
The program jumps to 4100h, and then dumps the contents of the first 16K of memory after flipping _EA to mask the internal ROM onto 0000-4000h.
The use of a MAX233 serial conversion board is required.
Doc says:
for the hardware - you just need to open the -EA jumper and connect the -EA line of the processor to the P1.7 of the processor. (cause the P1.7 is initially LOW).
On the DOWNLOADER, set serial to 4800,n,8,1.
New feature in the downloader: show memory dump, and set the memory range to save. I've added this, cause the ODB1 ecu's send one junk byte over the serial when the ECU is powered on. The ODB0 don't do this.
So you first take a look at the downloaded dump and decide what do you want to save.
I dumped a PM5 (will post in the rom dumps) - looks funny, but have at least aignition and fuel table. So you ODB0 gurus can take a look on it. I think the tables are really small?
cu, Doc ...