The Oki 6260A was manufactured for Honda by Oki.
J. Wong has this to say: "I was just cleaning out my cube and just happened to run across a piece of paper with 6260A info on it... according to OKI UK Ltd, the official name for the chip is "Engine Control Counter IC" and it was discontinued in the mid '90's"
As of 10/10/03, we do not have any documentation on it. Most of the OBD0 developers would pay $$$ for documentation on it. What we know is 100% reverse engineering :)
The chip appears to be VERY multi-purpose.
Known functions:
- Switching injectors on/off(pre-driving - TTL level)
- Switching ignition out signal on/off(pre-driving - TTL level)
- Switching outputs(purge, auto trans, CEL, etc.) on/off
Postulated Functions:
- Monitoring on/off inputs(???)
- Monitoring Distributor signals and generating timing interrupts.
;: MOVX A,@DPTR / MOVX @DPTR,A : where 2000 <= DPTR < 3000 (or is it 4000?) will talk to the 6260A.
Writing data to the 6260A @ 2000h is known to control IO lines on the chip. Johnathan Wong says: my theory is that if the high bit is off, it turns a digital output line on and if it the high bit is on, it turns it off ... the lower 7 bits are an "address".
The following table illustrates which values written @2000h control which pins on the chip(blank indicates use within the ROM but unknown function):
High Data | Low Data | Pin | Function |
90 | 10 | | |
91 | 11 | | |
92 | 12 | 24 | Function unknown |
93 | 13 | 22 | Igniter trigger output |
94 | 14 | 32 | Main relay driver |
95 | 15 | 33 | AC relay driver |
96 | 16 | 45 | Q35 - Error LED on ECU |
97 | 17 | 44 | Q33 p3 |
a0 | 20 | 43 | Fast idle solenoid |
a1 | 21 | 42 | Q31, Q45, CN1 Pin 11 |
a2 | 22 | 41 | CEL on dash |
a3 | 23 | 40 | IC17-Auto Trans Lock Up |
a4 | 24 | 39 | Multipurpose output |
a5 | 25 | 15 | TDC Sensor Input ???? |
a7 | 27 | | |
Thanks to Johnathan Wong, Javier and Mark Lamond for their help putting this table together. Are you curious how the 6260 ATesting was performed?
This table illustrates which input could be read at which address:
Address | Pin | Function |
2001.1 | 60 | A/C Switch |
2001.3 | 59 | ignition switch |
2001.4 | 58 | heater fan switch (hf) |
2001.5 | 57 | reverse switch (hf) |
2001.6 | 56 | clutch switch (hf) / traces to fuse box ('88-91 JDM Si R?) |
2001.7 | 55 | brake switch |
2002.0 | 54 | |
2002.1 | 53 | |
2002.2 | 52 | |
2002.3 | 51 | |
2002.4 | 50 | |
2002.5 | 49 | |
2002.6 | 48 | |
2002.7 | 47 | |
2004 | 64 | RPM low byte |
2005 | 64 | RPM high byte |
2006 | 61 | VSS low byte |
2007 | 61 | VSS high byte |
Reading of address 2000h seems to deliver status information about the counters (like RPM, VSS, CYP/CID). Writing to address 2000h with bit 4 = bit 5 = 0 seems to control behaviour of either the counters or the pulse width modulators (PWM).
200F looks like a general control register.
Author: lestard Date: 05-23-03 07:03
these are the very first bytes the ecu exchanges with 6260:
6260bit Addr. | hex address | Data Value | R/W | Function |
0000 0000 | (2000h) | 0000 0000 (00h) | W | |
0000 0000 | (2000h) | 0010 0101 (25h) | W | TDC sensor? |
0000 0000 | (2000h) | 1001 0110 (96h) | W | error LED on ECU - off? |
0000 0000 | (2000h) | 1010 0111 (A7h) | W | |
0000 1111 | (200Fh) | 1110 1001 (E9h) | W | |
0000 0011 | (2003h) | 1000 0000 (80h) | R | |
0000 0000 | (2000h) | 1010 0000 (A0) | W | fast idle solenoid off? |
0000 0011 | (2003h) | 1000 0000 (80h) | R | |
0000 0001 | (2001h) | 0000 0000 (00h) | W | |
0000 0011 | (2003h) | 0000 0001 (01h) | W | |
0000 0011 | (2003h) | 1000 0001 (81h) | R | |
0000 0010 | (2002h) | 0000 0001 (01h) | W | |
0000 0011 | (2003h) | 1000 0000 (80h) | R | |
The connections of the 6260A have been mapped out fairly well. Thanks a bunch George and Mark Lamond!
Function | Connection | Pin | M6260A | Pin | Connection | Function |
GND | GND | 1 | M6260A | 64 | | RPM Sensor Input |
A0? | MCU P0.0 | 2 | M6260A | 63 | BACK pin33 | |
A1? | MCU P0.1 | 3 | M6260A | 62 | | CID Sensor Input |
A2? | MCU P0.2 | 4 | M6260A | 61 | | VSS Sensor Input |
A3? | MCU P0.3 | 5 | M6260A | 60 | | A/C Switch Input |
A4? | MCU P0.4 | 6 | M6260A | 59 | 2904pin7 | |
A5? | MCU P0.5 | 7 | M6260A | 58 | RM4pin6 | |
A6? | MCU P0.6 | 8 | M6260A | 57 | RM4pin4 | |
A7? | MCU P0.7 | 9 | M6260A | 56 | RM4pin3 | |
!CE? | MCU P2.4 | 10 | M6260A | 55 | RM7pin2 | |
A8?? | MCU P2.5 | 11 | M6260A | 54 | Q18 | Injector 1 pre-driver |
LE? | MCU ALE | 12 | M6260A | 53 | Q19 | Injector 2 pre-driver |
!WE? | MCU !WR | 13 | M6260A | 52 | Q20 | Injector 3 pre-driver |
!OE? | MCU !RD | 14 | M6260A | 51 | Q21 | Injector 4 pre-driver |
TDC Sensor Input | | 15 | M6260A | 50 | RM7pin7 – Q16pin2 | Feedback on auto trans |
| IC14 pin7 | 16 | M6260A | 49 | RM7pin8 - Q17pin2 | Feedback on purge solenoid |
| BA226A … R85 | 17 | M6260A | 48 | BR6 | Pulled high/low |
| C61 | 18 | M6260A | 47 | BR5 | Pulled high/low |
| BACK pin14 | 19 | M6260A | 46 | | VCC |
| UPD7004 C pin3 | 20 | M6260A | 45 | Q35 | Error LED on ECU |
| R48 | 21 | M6260A | 44 | Q33 p3 | |
Igniter trigger output | | 22 | M6260A | 43 | | Fast idle solenoid |
Multipurpose output | | 23 | M6260A | 42 | Q31, Q45 | CN1 Pin 11 |
| HC04 pin3 HC123 pin10 to R42 (pull) | 24 | M6260A | 41 | | CEL on dash |
+5V | +5V | 25 | M6260A | 40 | IC17 | Auto Trans Lock Up |
+5V | +5V | 26 | M6260A | 39 | | Multipurpose output |
GND | GND | 27 | M6260A | 38 | Q24 | Injector 1 “input” |
FB2 | 7004C pin 17 | 28 | M6260A | 37 | Q25 | Injector 2 “input” |
FB1 | MCU pin19 (XTAL – clock) | 29 | M6260A | 36 | Q26 | Injector 3 “input” |
| R47 – 6260pin31 | 30 | M6260A | 35 | Q27 | Injector 4 “input” |
| R47 – 6260pin30,C59,C60 | 31 | M6260A | 34 | | Main relay driver |
GND | GND | 32 | M6260A | 33 | | A/C clutch relay |
;:Table reflects 6260A-MJL-14Jul03.doc.
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