Similar to P30DebugMode, enabling/disabling this option will enable/disable several other features. Here's the proof:
LCB A, 0547eh ; 53A7 0 02 08 909D7E54
STB A, r0 ; 53AB 0 02 08 88
MOV DP, #003d3h ; 53AC 0 02 08 62D303
LB A, [[[DP]]] ; 53AF 0 02 08 F2
STB A, r2 ; 53B0 0 02 08 8A
CMPB r0, #000h ; 53B1 0 02 08 20C000
JEQ label_53ba ; 53B4 0 02 08 C904
LCB A, 0547fh ; 53B6 0 02 08 909D7F54
; 53BA from 53B4 (DD0,P02,B08)
label_53ba: SLLB A ; 53BA 0 02 08 53
MB off(00216h).3, C ; 53BB 0 02 08 C4163B
LCB A, 05475h ; 53BE 0 02 08 909D7554
SLLB A ; 53C2 0 02 08 53
MB off(002eeh).3, C ; 53C3 0 02 08 C4EE3B
CMPB r0, #000h ; 53C6 0 02 08 20C000
JEQ label_53d2 ; 53C9 0 02 08 C907
LCB A, 05480h ; 53CB 0 02 08 909D8054
SLLB A ; 53CF 0 02 08 53
SJ label_53dc ; 53D0 0 02 08 CB0A
The value loaded and stored register 0 (r0) in 53A7-53AB determines wether other settings will be loaded. Addresses around 0547xh in the rom contain single byte switches like VTEC VSS check, VTEC enable/disable, etc... some of which are superceded by the value at 0547eh.