89-93 JDM B16A EF8/9
MCU = M66x301 58 and 93
Note: There are both OBD0 and OBD1 ECUs designated "PR3" and they are not in any shape or form compatible with each other.
This picture shows Auto/Manual selection on a OBD0 PR3:
(thanks OBD1 Kenobi)
OBD1 PR3s are much more like the P28/P30 in terms of design and structure, and they use the same circuit board, usually a 02D01720-1500. They are a member of the OBD1 Civic Integra family.
This picture is of a 92-93 OBD1 JDM Integra RSi/XSi (B16A)
To add an address, click Edit below, find where your Hex Offset address is, and then add your new entry like so:
"|''location''|''length in bytes''|''description''|''notes''|"
Location | Bytes | Description | Notes |
31DE | 1 | Warm/high cam revlimit | uses the OBD08 Bit Rev formula |
31D8 | 1 | Low cam revlimit | uses the OBD08 Bit Rev formula |
31E0 | 1 | High cam restart | uses the OBD08 Bit Rev formula |
3414 | 1 | VTEC disengage | The ECU uses 3418 (Tested by Ben Ogle) |
3415 | 1 | VTEC engage | The ECU uses 3419 (Tested by Ben Ogle) |
3416 | 1 | VTEC disengage | The ECU uses 3418 (Tested by Ben Ogle) |
3417 | 1 | VTEC engage | The ECU uses 3419 (Tested by Ben Ogle) |
3418 | 1 | VTEC disengage | uses the OBD0 VTEC formula |
3419 | 1 | VTEC engage | uses the OBD0 VTEC formula |
341A | 1 | VTEC disengage | The ECU uses 3418 (Tested by Ben Ogle) |
341B | 1 | VTEC engage | The ECU uses 3419 (Tested by Ben Ogle) |
3BE6 | 255 | Ignition map 1 | uses the OBD0 Ignition formula |
3CE5 | 255 | Ignition map VTEC | the first row is not used so its really a 15x16 map at 3CF4 But the extra row works good as filler |
3DE4 | 255 | Fuel map 1 | uses the OBD0 Fuel formula |
3EE3 | 15 | Fuel multipliers 1 | fuel Column Multipliers for fuel map 1 |
3EF2 | 255 | Fuel map 2 | uses the OBD0 Fuel formula |
3FF1 | 15 | Fuel multipliers 2 | fuel Column Multipliers for fuel map 2 |