New lists: asterisks, hash marks, and ";text:def"
- bullet
- l1
- * l2
- * l2
- ** l3
# one
;: defintion1.2
;Term2 :defintion2
;; Term3:defintion3
;;;Term4: definition4
;;; : defintion4.2
;;; Term5 : defintion5
- ul1
- #ul1-ol1
- #ul1-ol2
- #*ul1-ol2-ul1
- #*ul1-ol2-ul2
- #**ul1-ol2-ul2-ul1
- #**ul1-ol2-ul2-ul1
- l1
preformatted text
- * l2
old lists
- level 1
- l1
# one
# two
preformatted text
some more text
this is a plain paragraph
this is a plain paragraph again
Link tests
# normal: Home Page?
# in brackets: Home Page? -- named: the front page?
# Link in brackets: http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/
# Link outside brackets: http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/
# Link with Wiki word: http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php?HomePage
# Two consecutive links: http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/ http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/
# PhpWiki on Sourceforge
# URL with a WikiWord
# Javascript: boo! ? (is now: named internal link)
# A [Link? produces a Link?
# A Link? looks like this: [Link?
# This is a [[]] line break link
# Also this page is [not linked to?, and this one is !NotLinkedTo and this one neither !http://not.linked.to/.
#* Wiki Name? - Wiki Name Same Stem? -- !!WikiName - !!WikiNameSameStem
#* !!WikiName - !!WikiNameSameStem -- Wiki Name? - Wiki Name Same Stem?
#* Wiki Name Same Stem? - Wiki Name? -- !!WikiNameSameStem - !!WikiName
#* !!WikiNameSameStem - !!WikiName -- Wiki Name Same Stem? - Wiki Name?
Markup tests:
underscores for bold
'''quotes for bold'''
''quotes for italic''
''underscores bold italic''
'''''five quotes bold italic'''''
''''''six quotes''''''
'''''Bold italic''' and italic'' (buggy)
'''Bold and ''bold-italic''''' (also buggy)
this is plain text with
a line break
look at the markup language
you cannot use &, < or >
Usage in preformatted text:
underscores for bold
'''quotes for bold'''
''quotes for italic''
''underscores bold italic''
'''''five quotes bold italic'''''
''''''six quotes''''''
!!! h1
!! h2
! h3
this is plain text with
a line break
look at the markup language
you cannot use &, < or >
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