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This wiki supports Inter Wiki links in a style copied from Use Mod:? wiki. Links to pages in other wikis can be made without having to know or type the full URLs, for example: Meat Ball?:InterWiki will link to the page named "~InterWiki" at Meatball wiki.

The ~InterWiki map is taken from the the block in Inter Wiki Map, but that page must be locked for it to work. This denies a potential hacker the ability to nefariously change every ~InterWiki link to point to some evil URL. If no map is found in Inter Wiki Map (or the page is not locked), Php Wiki will fall back to using the file lib/ in your phpwiki distribution. The ~InterWiki map file in use at Php Wiki: can be viewed at

The map file is manually updated. It is based upon and periodically synchronized with UseMod's InterMap but it is not quite identical. One notable difference from Use Mod:? is that Php Wiki supports '%s' within the URLs in the map--see the entry for RFC for an example of how this works.

Not all of the entries in the Inter Wiki Map are actual wikis. For example, these are just regular web sites: Dictionary:fungible, Jargon File:Alderson loop?, IMDB:Roman Holiday?, RFC:2822, and ISBN:020171499X.

The "Category" moniker is a special entry which allows one to link a wiki page to a Category page without creating a back-reference. Thus Category:Category links to the Category Category? page, yet this page won't show up in the back-links listing of Category Category?.

The term "InterWiki" also refers to a broader concept. See Php Wiki:InterWikiSearch for more links.

Php Wiki Documentation

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