%META:TOPICINFO{author="longbow" date="1163871960" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
The ATMEL AT29C010 chip is a FLASH-ROM chip with 1Mbit(~128kb) of memory. It can be found in old Pentium I&II computer motherbords. This chip will work in ECUs, but require pins to be moved around/altered due to them being a different pinout than either 27 C256 or 29 C256 chips.
When writing/burning the program, you need to specify the start address, where your ECU looks at.
Datasheet for an Atmel 29C010 (PDF)
name: 29C010A
function: 128k x 8 CMOS Flash Memory
package: DIP-32,32
NC | 1 32| VCC
A16 | 2 31| WE
A15 | 3 30| NC
A12 | 4 29| A14
A7 | 5 28| A13
A6 | 6 27| A8
A5 | 7 26| A9
A4 | 8 29C010 25| A11
A3 | 9 24| OE
A2 |10 23| A10
A1 |11 22| CE
A0 |12 21| I/O7
I/O0 |13 20| I/O6
I/O1 |14 19| I/O5
I/O2 |15 18| I/O4
GND |16 17| I/O3