%META:TOPICINFO{author="b16a2" date="1169907900" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
Use this method if you install a 5050s in IC14 and you get a MIL code 21.
STEP 1 modify and install the VTEC parts as normal but stop at the installation of IC14
STEP 2 install the 5050s in the IC14 position and do not solder pin 4 of the 5050s
STEP 3 on the PCB of the ECU bridge pads 2 and 4 ( do not bridge the legs of the 5050s )
STEP 4 get a 820R resistor and solder 4cm of wire to one side and solder the other end of the resistor to the emitter of Q102 ( as a 5v ref )
STEP 5 solder the other side of the wire to pin 4 of the 5050s, you might want to trim back the leg a bit so it doesn’t stick out to much.
and thats it, enjoy your VTEC
I tested a ECU with this method on the Engine Simulator in VTEC for over 5 minuits continuously and it did not mis a beat and nothing got to hot.
link to thread http://forum.pgmfi.org/viewtopic.php?t=12672
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="5050s-VTEC007.jpg" attr="" comment="link pin 2 and 4" date="1169908209" path="W:\b16a2.kicks-ass.net\web\tech\5050s-VTEC007.jpg" size="37420" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="5050s-VTEC006.jpg" attr="" comment="final layout" date="1169908289" path="W:\b16a2.kicks-ass.net\web\tech\5050s-VTEC006.jpg" size="46044" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="image003.jpg" attr="" comment="5050s layout" date="1169908325" path="W:\b16a2.kicks-ass.net\web\tech\image003.jpg" size="2848" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}% |