%META:TOPICINFO{author="calvin" date="1077010680" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
Honda uses a 5 pin high side switch in a lot of their OBD1 and OBD2 ECUs to control solenoids like auto trans and vtec solenoids.
Allegro / Sanken is the OEM for this part. The following parts are known to work:
SK-5050S (original - 1720 boards usually)
SK-5151S (higher current version of 5050 - 11F0/1980 boards usually)
SK-5154S (higher current version of 5151 - OBD2 boards usually)
SI-5151S (part number change on SK-5151S)
SI-5154S (part number change on SK-5154S)
SI-5151SG (part number change on SI-5151S)
SI-5154SG (part number change on SI-5154S)
These parts are often quite difficult to get ahold of due to Allegro not selling less than 500pcs@$1.50ea and few electroncs distributors stocking them. Look for periodic groupbuys on the forum.
There have been reports of an International Rectifier part that is a replacement. Edit this if you know more.
Author: acongdon (pad-cache2-1.cache.telstra.net) Date: 12-14-02 02:10
Tried a pair of ir6220 in a known good P13. Worked fine! DigiKey link
I found some, a diffrent make, and you need to cut one leg off (pin 3) and move pin 5 into pins 3 on the board, then solder a wire from the top of the chip to pin 5 on the board. It;s really easy to do.. |