%META:TOPICINFO{author="blundar" date="1077677573" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
The 82C55 is an IO controller chip used in many OBD1 ECUs.
Fortunately, almost all OBD1 Civic Integra ECUs share a common pattern for what is controlled by the 82C55 chip. Vernon (Deluded) took the time to electrically map what is connected to the 82C55 on these ECUs.
A datasheet is available here, except the 82C55 used in Honda ECUs mysteriously has two extra pins -- my guess is they're 17 and 37, both unused. The code sets the control register to 0x90, which means it uses so-called Mode 0, port A is an input, and ports B and C are outputs.
I/O | 82C55 pin | element | element pin | function |
I | 1 | A/D board | | PA3 <- tps/vss diagnostic? |
I | 2 | R114 | | PA2 <- (paired with R109?) |
I | 3 | R113 | | PA1 <- (paired with R110?) |
I | 4 | R112 | | PA0 <- (paired with R111?) |
| 5 | 66207 | 24 | /RD signal, both 82C55 and 66207 |
| 6 | 66207 | 15 | 82C55 /CS <- 66207 A14 |
| 7 | gnd | | Vss |
| 8 | 66207 | 14 | 82C55 A1 <- 66207 A13 |
| 9 | 66207 | 12 | 82C55 A0 <- 66207 A12 ''(shouldn't that be pin 13?)'' |
O | 10 | knock resistors | | PC7 -> knock diagnostic? |
O | 11 | Q16 | 1=control | PC6 -> ultimately controls EGR sol |
O | 12 | R134 | | PC5 -> 10Kohm pull-up resistor |
O | 13 | Q46 | 1=control | PC4 -> ultimately controls MIL |
O | 14 | IC14 | 2=control | PC0 -> VTEC sol control |
O | 15 | IC13 | 2=control | PC1 -> ?? |
O | 16 | Q12 | 1=control | PC2 -> ultimately controls O2 Heater |
| 17 | unused | | |
O | 18 | knock resistors | | PC3 -> knock diagnostic? |
O | 19 | 7U016 | 3 | PB0 -> ?? |
O | 20 | Q14 | 1=control | PB1 -> ultimately controls purge sol |
O | 21 | Q37 | 1=control | PB2 -> ultimately controls alternator |
O | 22 | Q13 | 1=control | PB3 -> ultimately controls rad fan |
O | 23 | IC15 | 2=control | PB4 -> ?? |
O | 24 | Q17 | 1=control | PB5 -> aib/shift light control |
O | 25 | RM13 | 8 | PB6 -> 10kohm resistor: pull up |
O | 26 | 7U016 | 10 | PB7 -> ?? |
| 27 | 5V | | Vcc |
| 28 | 66207 | 8 | D7 |
| 29 | 66207 | 7 | D6 |
| 30 | 66207 | 6 | D5 |
| 31 | 66207 | 5 | D4 |
| 32 | 66207 | 4 | D3 |
| 33 | 66207 | 3 | D2 |
| 34 | 66207 | 2 | D1 |
| 35 | 66207 | 1 | D0 |
| 36 | 7U016 | 39 | RESET? |
| 37 | unused | | |
| 38 | RM13 | 9 | 10kohm resistor: pull up - WR also? |
I | 39 | A/D board | | PA7 <- tps/vss diagnostic? |
I | 40 | Q30 | 2=o/p | PA6 <- diag for O2 heater |
I | 41 | Q26/101 | 2=o/p | PA5 <- diag for IC14=Vtec sol 1720,1980/11F0 |
I | 42 | Q28 | 2=o/p | PA4 <- diag for IC15 |
intake resonator control doubles up: IC16(3) to Q27(2) to IC9(6) |