%META:TOPICINFO{author="LegoZ81" date="1110569760" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
You will need bridge J1 on the back of the ECU.
Add C49 & C50 and C91 & C92 on back
C49 & C50 --> .004UF
C91 & C92 --> .00001UF
Add the 74hc373 SMD chip.
Add a 29C256 eprom with bin written to it.
For RTP/Datalogging w/ Crome remove J4 on front.
Solder in a 4 pin header (snappable header pins 1x40 work GREAT for this and are VERY cheap)
All info is from the following threads:
Special thanks to all the contributors of the above thread and katman for doing the pics in
the first place... We love you katman :)
Thanks to infotechplus for pics and info on C49,C50,C91,C92 |