<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.2 - 28 Apr 2005 - Home.speed_of_bokchoy)
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| > > |
- C42 1032p (revised: C42 103Z)
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< < |
| > > |
- Q32 D1780 (revised: Q30 D1780)
Added: |
> > |
-- speed_of_bokchoy - 28 Apr 2005 (Revisions in brackets, please verify) |
<<O>> Difference Topic
(r1.1 - 31 Mar 2004 - Home.blundar)
Added: |
> > |
%META:TOPICINFO{author="blundar" date="1080757907" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
How to convert an OBD1 P14 into a OBD1 P13
by Andrew Congdon
I've now suceeded in converting a P14 to P13. Here's what I added to a P14-Q00 to make it electrically equivalent to a P13-N01 and it seems to work fine with a stock P13 EPROM.
P0A and P0C seem to use the same board which is different to the P12-14.
- D4 ?
- C43 1u35v tant
- IC11 SI5050S (or is that SK?)
- IC12 SI5050S
- NF3
- NF4
- C77 22p
- C42 1032p
- C78 22p
- R56 820R
- R55 820R
- Q35E K329 (AIL 4L)
- R59 10k
- DM1 S233
- R121 22k
- R115 10k
- IC4 74HC365
- J5 0R
- Q29 D1780
- RP12 0R
- RP16 0R
- RP17 0R
- C41 3u3 16V tant
- Q32 D1780
- RP11 4k7
- RP12 1k5
- RP15 0R
- RP17 4k7
- RP18 4k7
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