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 <<O>>  Difference Topic Sim (r1.3 - 28 Jan 2007 - Home.b16a2)

- I have added 4x 5w resistors to simulate the injectors.


- I have added 4x 12R 5w resistors to simulate the injectors.


- Im going to add an ELD from a fues box I have to simulate that. or at least to figure out what it does and when it does it, to help build a simulator for it.


- Iv added an ELD from a JDM ITR fuesbox, ran the main positive wire from the power supply through it to measure the current load. Even works with P13


On the side of the case, I cut out 3 holes to suit D25 computer connectors. simply A B and D, just like on the OBDI ecu, and to keep things simple everyting is wired the same as the OBDI standard which helps when probing with a multimeter for sensor signal. I than have made Harneses to suit OBDIIa, OBDIIb OBDO, and when I get some conectors OBDI ( rather than using a harness.)


On the side of the case, I cut out 3 holes to suit D25 computer connectors. simply A B and D, just like on the OBDI ecu, and to keep things simple everyting is wired the same as the OBDI standard which helps when probing with a multimeter for sensor signal. I then have made Harneses to suit OBDIIa, OBDIIb OBDO, and when I get some conectors OBDI ( rather than using a harness.)


%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Engine_Sim019.jpg" attr="" comment="Close up of Distributor" date="1169987148" path="I:\Automotive\Misc\Engine Simulator\Pics\Engine_Sim 019.jpg" size="110159" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Engine_Sim020.jpg" attr="" comment="Close up of O2 and VSS simulator" date="1169987200" path="I:\Automotive\Misc\Engine Simulator\Pics\Engine_Sim 020.jpg" size="104598" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Engine_Sim022.jpg" attr="" comment="Close up of ELD" date="1169987284" path="I:\Automotive\Misc\Engine Simulator\Pics\Engine_Sim 022.jpg" size="88001" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Engine_Sim023.jpg" attr="" comment="Close up back of control panel" date="1169987358" path="I:\Automotive\Misc\Engine Simulator\Pics\Engine_Sim 023.jpg" size="155808" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Engine_Sim024.jpg" attr="" comment="Close up of main relay, knock, O2 heater" date="1169987428" path="I:\Automotive\Misc\Engine Simulator\Pics\Engine_Sim 024.jpg" size="106593" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Engine_Sim025.jpg" attr="" comment="Close up of VTS and EACV" date="1169987506" path="I:\Automotive\Misc\Engine Simulator\Pics\Engine_Sim 025.jpg" size="74211" user="b16a2" version="1.1"}%

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Revision r1.2 - 28 Jan 2007 - 04:34 GMT - Home.b16a2
Revision r1.3 - 28 Jan 2007 - 12:26 GMT - Home.b16a2