Editor's note: the small list does not appear to have the required parts for the IABs
Author: eg6ajk
Date: 05-24-03 15:10
my parts list seems to be alot smaller:
changes to the ECU on top of standard external ROM changes by adding:
- C60: 1uf 35V tantlum
- D11: 600V 1AM diode
- IC14: SK5151S
- J10: 0hm resistor/jumper
- R142: 10k ohm resistor
- R143: 45k ohm resistor (51k ohm is the recommended resistor)
- R144: 12k ohm resistor (Can use 10k here)
- Q26: C2785/C2458Y tranistor
- Q37: C2785/C2458Y tranistor
- RP17: 0hm resistor
- J4: 0hm resistor
EG come, EG go!
and the original list...
Author: Darksmiles
Date: 09-05-03 12:13
Hey Flyrod- I just saw your post about the P75-P72
Use the USDM GSR P72 w/ knock disabled ROM .
Here is my final list for the conversion:
- Q34 - D1780
- D11 - Clamping Diode
- IC14 - 515 X High Side Switch
- J10 - Jumper
- R142 - 10k resistor
- R143 - 51k resistor
- R144- 12k resistor (Can use 10k here)
- Q17 - A143
- Q26 - C2785
- R107 - 220 ohm resistor
- C94 - 4.7uF tantalum electrolytic capacitor
- R115 - 220 ohm resistor
- R116 - 220 ohm resistor
- J5 - jumper
- J3 - jumper
- J1 - Jumper
That's it...runs great!
- Picture009.jpg: