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Hi Res P72 is a custom P72-based ROM that has been modified to have the same size fuel and ignition lookup tables as used in the P28 so that tables can be copied/pasted directly between the two. You can download it here...

To add an address, click Edit below, find where your Hex Offset address is, and then add your new entry like so:

"|''location''|''length in bytes''|''description''|''notes''|"

Note: Please add only addresses that are specific to this implementation! All standard P72 addresses should be added in the factory P72 ROM map.


Location Bytes Description Notes
0A50 2 location reference to low cam RPM value vector John Cui's hires P72
0A68 2 location reference to high cam RPM value vector John Cui's hires P72
0A71 1 length of high cam RPM value vector John Cui's hires P72
0A80 2 location reference to high cam RPM value vector John Cui's hires P72
0A89 1 length of high cam RPM value vector John Cui's hires P72
0AA3 2 reference to MAP value vector John Cui's hires P72
0AB8 2 reference to MAP value vector John Cui's hires P72
0ACD 2 reference to MAP value vector John Cui's hires P72
1269 2 High Cam Fuel Map Config, Row Size John Cui's hires P72
1277 2 jump location of high cam fuel John Cui's hires P72
128B 2 jump location of low cam fuel John Cui's hires P72

Revision: r1.1 - 17 Feb 2004 - 09:26 GMT - tungsten2k { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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