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Pre - Ignition is a bad thing. It is also frequently referred to as "knocking" because of the sound it makes at low intensities. It is also frequently called "detonation." The Knock Sensor and Knock Board present in some engines/ECUs attempt (poorly) to detect Pre Ignition and change engine parameters (usually: pull timing) to stop/prevent it.

Pre-ignition is an uncontrolled, violent, explosive burning of fuel that happens when engine conditions (heat, pressure, Air Fuel Ratio, etc) are such that fuel spontaneously combusts in an uncontrolled manner without help from a Spark Plug.

Pre-ignition will destroy your engine.

Common causes of pre-ignition:


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Revision: r1.1 - 03 Mar 2005 - 21:43 GMT - blundar { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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