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< < |
Platform-independent ROM Editor | To Be Started | 0% | Development of a Java ROMeditor capable of editing multiple families of ECUs and running on (at a minimum) PC, Mac and Linux |
| > > |
Platform-independent ROM Editor | In Progress | ?? | Pj RE?: Development of a Java ROMeditor capable of editing multiple families of ECUs and running on (at a minimum) PC, Mac and Linux. Java Rom Editor? |
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realtime updates | Active Work | 80% | Rtp Board? v0.1 works ok, solid code in place, simpler hardware approach under devel. |
| > > |
realtime updates | Active Work | 80% | RTP Board v0.1 works ok, solid code in place, simpler hardware approach under devel. |
Changed: |
< < |
| > > |
replace program | Completed | 100% | |
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< < |
realtime updates | Active Work | 85% | Rtp Board? v0.1 works well. Basic code support in place |
| > > |
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< < |
| > > |
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editor support | Active Work | | GhettoDyne, TurboEdit, BRE, OBD0Edit |
| > > |
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replace program | Completed | 100% | insert link to how to chip OBD1 here |
| > > |
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datalogging | Active Work | 75% | ECUControl, CJBLogger, Cuddle |
| > > |
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editor support | Active Work | | Crome, Uberdata are the big two. Both pretty mature. |
| > > |
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Please feel free to update the summaries as PGMFI is quickly growing to the point where I am not in touch with all developers on a regular basis. (sez blundar) Please keep the development status to one of: Complete, Active Work, In Progress, To Be Started. Please keep the feature status to one of: Stable Now?, Gamma Code?, Beta Code?, Alpha Code?, Non Existant? or Mixed Code?.
| > > |
Please feel free to update the summaries as PGMFI is quickly growing to the point where I am not in touch with all developers on a regular basis. (sez blundar) Please keep the development status to one of: Complete, Active Work, In Progress, To Be Started.
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%BR% %BR% %BR%
Changed: |
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realtime updates | Active Work | 80% | Rtp Board?_v0.1 works ok, solid code in place, simpler hardware approach under devel. |
| > > |
realtime updates | Active Work | 80% | Rtp Board? v0.1 works ok, solid code in place, simpler hardware approach under devel. |
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The 92-95 Civics and Integras are arguably one of the more mod-friendly ECUs Honda made. The hardware is understood fairly well, ans it is often possible to add or remove hardware features like vtec and auto tranny control from the ECUs. You can learn more about this family of ECU.
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Project Four?: 89-91 Civic/CRX Si R? + Integra XSi ECUs must belong to us.
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Project Four?: 89-91 Civic/CRX SiR + Integra XSi ECUs must belong to us.
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editor support | In Progress | ?? | BRE semms best. Turbo Edit? has limited support. |
| > > |
editor support | In Progress | ?? | BRE semms best. TurboEdit has limited support. |
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< < |
boost support | To Be Started | 0% | potential to port some code from 92-95 Civic/Integra? code |
datalogging | To Be Started | 0% | potential to port some code from 92-95 Civic/Integra? code |
| > > |
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realtime updates | To Be Stared? | | |
| > > |
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Please feel free to update the summaries as PGMFI is quickly growing to the point where I am not in touch with all developers on a regular basis. (sez blundar) Please keep the development status to one of: Complete, Active Work, In Progress, To Be Started. Please keep the feature status to one of: Stable Now?, Gamma Code?, Beta Code?, Alpha Code?, Non Existant? or Mixed Code?.
Changed: |
< < |
%BR% %BR% %BR%
Project Two: [OBD0MPFI] ECUs must belong to us.
Project Three?: [OBD1CivicIntegra] ECUs must belong to us.
Project Four?: Quality userspace tools must belong to us.
Project Five?: Accord/Prelude ECUs must belong to us.
| > > |
%BR% %BR%
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Project Six?: OBD2A ECUs and OBD2B ECUs must belong to us.
| > > |
Project Two: 88-91 OBD0 MPFI ECUs must belong to us.
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Project Seven?: "OBD3" K-series (and new D17???) ECUs must belong to us.
| > > |
The PM6/7 family of ECUs was one of the original targets of development. Much has been accomplished already, and hopefully most of the remaining project goals will be achieved within the year.
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Quick Status:
Goal | Status | Completion | Notes |
replace program | Active Work | 50% | 90-91s use simple EPROM, 88-89 work in progress |
modify stock parameters | In Progress | 75% | Fuel, timing, rev, idle located and modifyable. PR4 remains. |
boost support | Active Work | 50% | GhD, Dual boost bins. Still have serious bugs |
vtec control | Active Work | 50% | Some code, hardware mods complete. alpha level |
datalogging | In Progress | 75% | ECUControl supported |
realtime updates | Active Work | 80% | Rtp Board?_v0.1 works ok, solid code in place, simpler hardware approach under devel. |
editor support | Active Work | | GhettoDyne, TurboEdit, BRE, OBD0Edit |
Project Three?: 92-95 Civic + Integra ECUs must belong to us.
Quick Status:
Goal | Status | Completion | Notes |
replace program | Completed | 100% | insert link to how to chip OBD1 here |
modify stock parameters | In Progress | 85% | Fuel, timing, rev, idle located and modifyable. Many ROM options understood |
boost support | In Progress | 75% | Very good support for stock MAP in Crome+Uberdata |
datalogging | Active Work | 75% | ECUControl, CJBLogger, Cuddle |
realtime updates | Active Work | 85% | Rtp Board? v0.1 works well. Basic code support in place |
editor support | Active Work | | Crome, Uberdata are the big two. Both pretty mature. |
Project Four?: 89-91 Civic/CRX Si R? + Integra XSi ECUs must belong to us.
Quick Status:
Goal | Status | Completion | Notes |
replace program | Completed | 100% | simple 27C256 EPROM |
modify stock parameters | In Progress | 50% | Fuel, timing, revlocated and modifyable in some ROMs |
boost support | To Be Started | 0% | Should be able to port other OBD1 code |
datalogging | In Progress | 50% | ECUControl has limited support? |
realtime updates | To Be Started | 0% | Should be able to port other OBD1 code |
editor support | In Progress | ?? | BRE semms best. Turbo Edit? has limited support. |
Project Five?: Quality userspace tools must belong to us.
Quick Status:
Goal | Status | Completion | Notes |
ROM Editors | Active Work | 75% | Several quality ROM editors available. Not all ECU platforms supported. Poor non-x86 PC support. |
Datalogging Software | In Progress | 75% | Several quality loggers available, most tailored to very specific code. |
Realtime Tuning Software | Active Work | 25% | Realtime support starting to appear in major ROM Editors as well as standalone apps |
Handheld platform Tools | In Progress | ?? | Palm, WinCE, Gameboy platform tools for datalogging and realtime updates |
Open Source APIs/DLLs | In Progress | 25% | API/DLLs for datalogging, realtime updates and editing ROMs. Software can use to interface with ECUs. Active on OBD0. |
Platform-independent ROM Editor | To Be Started | 0% | Development of a Java ROMeditor capable of editing multiple families of ECUs and running on (at a minimum) PC, Mac and Linux |
Project Six?: Accord/Prelude ECUs must belong to us.
Quick Status:
Goal | Status | Completion | Notes |
replace program | Complete | 100% | use simple 27C256 EPROM |
modify stock parameters | In Progress | ? | varies substantially according to bin |
boost support | To Be Started | 0% | potential to port some code from 92-95 Civic/Integra? code |
datalogging | To Be Started | 0% | potential to port some code from 92-95 Civic/Integra? code |
realtime updates | To Be Started | | |
editor support | To Be Started | | no public editors avail. Uberdata/Crome could potentially support via scripting |
Project Seven?: OBD2A ECUs and OBD2B ECUs must belong to us.
Quick Status:
Goal | Status | Completion | Notes |
replace program | Active Work | ??? | Didier Pelegri appears to have made much progress |
modify stock parameters | Active Work | ??? | development status unknown |
boost support | To Be Started | 0% | Potential to port OBD1 code??? |
datalogging | Active Work ? | ??? | Didier Pelegri appears to have made much progress |
realtime updates | To Be Stared? | | |
editor support | Active Work | | Didier Pelegri appears to have made much progress |
Project Eight?: "OBD3" K-series (and new D17???) ECUs must belong to us.
Quick Status:
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> > |
%META:TOPICINFO{author="TheAdmin" date="1074188760" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
The Plan for Global Domination
"The Plan" is the (somewhat) facetious name for the concrete goals of the PGMFI project, as opposed to the ideological goals as expressed by the PGMFIGoal Statement.
First off, you must always remember all of your base are belong to us!!! :)
Project One?: Quality ECU documentation must belong to us.
We cannot expect to make further progress without properly documenting what has already been accomplished. Gifted coders and novices just getting into cars suffer equally because of the lack of consistent, quality documentation. Instead of being able to catch up independently with tutorials, guides and progress charts, they frequently ask the same questions over and over again in the forums or via messenger services. It is unrealistic to expect newcomers to the site to not swamp the forums with beginners questions unless we provide quality reference and tutorial material. PGMFI has developed tools that have caught the interest of people that lack the background to intuitively use them. Many of the coders writing tools lack the perspective to adaquately document them. Also, dual/tri/multi-linguists are encouraged to try to translate any documentation / FAQs / etc. so that PGMFI's work can be more accessible to the non-English speaking world.
ProjectOne is essentially a neverending project, in the sense that all ECU development will require explanation and documentation in some form.
%BR% %BR% %BR%
Project Two: [OBD0MPFI] ECUs must belong to us.
Project Three?: [OBD1CivicIntegra] ECUs must belong to us.
Project Four?: Quality userspace tools must belong to us.
Project Five?: Accord/Prelude ECUs must belong to us.
Project Six?: OBD2A ECUs and OBD2B ECUs must belong to us.
Project Seven?: "OBD3" K-series (and new D17???) ECUs must belong to us.
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="AYB2.swf" attr="h" comment="All of your base are belong to us!!!" date="1074188249" path="C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\AYB2.swf" size="1678697" user="TheAdmin" version="1.1"}% |
Copyright © 2002-present by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors, and is covered by the Non-Commercial Share-Alike License unless explicitly stated otherwise. |