%META:TOPICINFO{author="crxsirvtec" date="1079106600" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
94-95 PO6 with 11F0 board
-Add 1uf electrolytic tantalum capacitor @ C60
-Add 0 ohm jumper @ J10
-Add A143 transistor @ Q101 ( b1030 PNP)
-Add 5151s high side switch @ IC14
-Add a 1n4001 diode @ D11
Remove J3 and J5 if present (J4 should remain)
-Automatic ECUs have 5151s high side switches, just in different spots.
Desolder them both, use one and save the other one.
-Add A143 transistor @ Q101 ( B1030 PNP) (you can use them from q28&q27)
-Remove RP17 and RP18
-Add a 0 ohm jumper @ RP18 |