- ECU = Engine Control Unit
- OBD0 = the first unofficial generation of honda engine electronics
- OBD1 = the second unofficial generation of honda engine electronics
- OBD2 = the first official standard for engine electronics
- EDM = European Domestic Market
- JDM = Japanese Domestic Market
- USDM = United States Domestic Market
- Check Sum = what is a checksum? What kind of checksums do honda ECUs use?
- Manual Checksum = how do I fix a checksum by hand?
- Bin File = what is a bin file?
- Hex File = what is a hex file?
- Hex2 Bin = how to convert hex files to bin files
- Pulse Width Modulation = PWM which is frequently used to do DAC
- DAC = Digital to Analog Conversion
- ADC = Analog to Digital Conversion
- RPM = Revolutions Per Minute = how fast the motor is spinning
- Ecu Sensors = Sensors that the ECU monitors in order to run the motor properly.
- Pre Ignition = "knocking" or "detonation" - destructive combustion of fuel without a spark
- Atmospheric Pressure = the pressure of air around you
- Boost = Pressure greater than atmospheric pressure
- Absolute Pressure = pressure measured on a scale where Absolute Vacuum = 0
- Absolute Vacuum = the state where there are no gas molecules present
- Air Fuel Ratio = ratio between air and fuel entering engine. critical
- IAB = Intake Air Bypass
Stock ECU Code Features
PGMFI-Hacked Features/Code (duplicates indicate modifications)
Physics, Thermodynamics, Engine Management Theory
- Ideal Gas Law = equation explaining relationship between gas properties
- Speed Density = the type of engine management philosophy used in Honda ECUs.
- Volumetric Efficiency = the efficiency of an engine at pumping air in a given state
- Mass Air Flow = A type of engine management system that directly measures air entering the motor. Not typically found on Hondas, but common on other manufacturers.
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