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- Full Throttle Shift = For ricer glitz full-throttle shifting w/o grenading your motor
- NGxx? (i.e. NG60?) = A very modified PM6 file (firmware) with boost capability among other things.
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- Ecu Sensors = Sensors that the ECU monitors in order to run the motor properly.
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Stock ECU Code Features
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Stock ECU Code Features
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Physics, Thermodynamics, Engine Management Theory
- Ideal Gas Law = equation explaining relationship between gas properties
- Speed Density = the type of engine management philosophy used in Honda ECUs.
- Volumetric Efficiency = the efficiency of an engine at pumping air in a given state
- Mass Air Flow = A type of engine management system that directly measures air entering the motor. Not typically found on Hondas, but common on other manufacturers.
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="pelz" date="1082391405" format="1.0" version="1.1"}%
Stock ECU Code Features
PGMFI-Hacked Features/Code (duplicates indicate modifications)
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