Rom Maps
An area to collaborate on all the memory addresses found in ROMs
OBD1 Civic and Integra ECUs
OBD1 Civic Integra ECUs share a lot of features
Memory Locations
Programming Resources
Other OBD1
Everything else OBD1 - usually 66207 based MCUs
Memory Locations
OBD0 Vtec ECUs
OBD0 Vtec ECUs ECUs share a lot of features
Memory Locations
- PW0 - ROMs based on the PW0 JDM (89-91 CRX/Civic EF8/9 B16A) but also included is some of the Euro PW0 locations.
- PR3 - ROMs based on the PR3 JDM (89-91 Integra XSi B16A)
- ASM662 - can be used to assemble and disassemble these ROMs.
- OBD0 Vtec Routines? - have yet to be written.
OBD0 Multi-Point Fuel-Injected
OBD0 MPFI ECUs share a lot of features
Memory Locations
- 91 PM6 - ROMs based on the 91 PM6 (USDM CRX/Civic Si w/ SOHC D16A6)
- 91 PR4_PA? - ROMs based on the USDM 90-91 PR4 with internal PA sensor
- 90 PR4_no_PA? - ROMs based on the USDM 90-91 PR4 w/ external PA sensor
- 91 PM7 - Although very similar to the 91 PM6, George Ricketts and others have done a lot of development with the PM7
Programming Resources
External Resources
- A webpage with some of the ROM locations and formulas is here.
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